LBTimer's help

Installation Icon Popup Menu Dashboard Settings Custom Research links


  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Sign in to Chrome with your rater Gmail account. More info here.
  3. Open LBTimer's page in Google Chrome Webstore
  4. Click on the  + ADD TO CHROME  button on the top right
  5. LBTimer is now installed and you can see the icon at the right side of the address bar

    LBTimer's icon
  6. Upon installation, you'll be prompted to give LBTimer authorization to access the Firebase database, where your work records will be stored.
  7. LBTimer will work automatically when you open the Raterhub page.


LBTimer's icon appears at the right side of the address bar (Omnibox). If it doesn't, click on the puzzle icon and then on the pin next to LBTimer's icon.

LBTimer's icon

The icon provides information about the current state of the extension

← There are tasks available in the Rater Hub page.
← There are no tasks available in the Rater Hub page.
← A task is active and the timer is running.
← You are getting close to the allotted time for the current task.
← You have reached the allotted time for the current task.

Clicking the icon will open the Popup menu.


You can open the Dashboard by clicking on the top bar in the popup menu.

Popup menu
Popup menu

The Dashboard displays the recorded information for the current month.

LBTimer's Dashboard
LBTimer's Dashboard

You can navigate to previos or next month using the top left (<<) and top right (>>) buttons.

Clicking on the top center cell (the one displaying the month and year) will take you to the current month.

Clicking on any date cell will show a breakdown of the recorded data for that day. You can also edit that data and save it.

Hovering your mouse over any cell with data will display the calculated earnings in a tooltip. You need to configure the hourly payrate in the Settings for LBTimer to calculate the earnings properly.

At the bottom of the calendar view you can download the data for the displayed month in CSV format.

On the top right section of the screen you find 4 buttons:


Custom Research links

The custom research links allow you to quickly open relevant review results to evaluate webpages, for Page Quality tasks.

It allows you to write your own research links, so that you can create your own search queries that are relevant in your locale and language.

It uses a series of "wildcards" so you can quickly research the webpage and website of your task without having to write a new search query each time. The available wildcards are:

You can assign a label to each of the 5 possible web research links to easily identify them while completing the rating task.

Task URL:
Task language: English(UK)
LBTimer: - Open it! - Check scam - Wiki
LabelCustom linkAction when clicked
Open it!%urlOpens the webpage
Check scamIs %host a scam -site:%hostMakes a web search → Is a scam
Wikiwikipedia "%host"Makes a web search → wikipedia ""
Task URL:
Task language: French(FR)
LBTimer: - Main page - Reputation - Scam
LabelCustom linkAction when clicked
Main page%mainOpens the webpage
Reputation%host réputation -site:%hostMakes a web search → réputation
Scam"%host" arnaque rapportMakes a web search → "" arnaque rapport
Task URL:
Task language: English(US)
LBTimer: - Open - Alexa - Wiki
LabelCustom linkAction when clicked
Open%urlOpens the webpage
Alexa%host site:alexa.comMakes a web search →
Wiki the webpage: